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Why Natural Deodorants Cause Armpit Pimples

And if you’ve ever had pimples or cysts in your underarm area, you probably know how painful these breakouts can be.

These pesky little bumps are small and clustered, however in some cases they are quite noticeable and painful, and are normally either caused by an infection, or irritation due to shaving and – yes – deodorant or antiperspirant use.

30 Day Underarm Detox

If you have been considering making the switch to natural deodorant, you’ve come to the right place! Here at kaia naturals some of our new team members are gearing up to take the 30-day challenge to help them make the switch to natural deodorant. Making the switch to a natural deodorant can result in your […]

What You Need to Know Before Buying Natural Deodorant

Congrats! You’ve decided to make the switch to natural deodorant! While the process of cleaning up your beauty routine can be exciting, it is also confusing.  There are so many choices when it comes to the world of natural selections, but fear not! We have you covered…quite literally. There are 4 ingredients you should always […]